KKO Mannheim, Simon Fuchs, Matthias Racz, johannes schlaefli
Antonio Vivaldi – Oboen- und Fagottkonzerte
Mit Solokonzerten hat Vivaldi der Nachwelt einen ungeheuren Repertoireschatz hinterlassen, der aufgrund seiner Qualitäten auch heute nicht an Attraktivität verloren hat. Darüber hinaus stellen sie Höhepunkte der Instrumentalmusik dar, die er mit seinen Werken nachhaltig beeinflusst hat.
Zu ebendiesen zählen auch Vivaldis Fagott- und Oboenkonzerte, denen sich nun Matthias Racz (Fagott) und Simon Fuchs (Oboe) gemeinsam mit dem Kurpfälzischen Kammerorchester Mannheim unter der Leitung von Johannes Schlaefli gewidmet haben. Quelle: Ars Produktion
Hier ist eine wunderbare Rezension:
"I can hardly think of anything better than passing a Sunday morning with Vivaldi. This is what the French call: ‘Sans Souci’ (or light-spirited), an expression that has found for obvious reasons its way around the globe (like ‘Sanssouci’ the former summer palace of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia in Potsdam, Germany, or the ‘Palace of Sans-Souci’ in northern Haiti). And who doesn’t want to be without ‘worry’?
Listening to the virtuosity of Simon Fuchs (oboe) and Matthias Rácz (bassoon), supported by a highly strung band from Mannheim, Germany, locally known as the Kurphälzisches Kammerorchester, directed by its conductor, Johannes Schaefli, all sorrows kind of disappear; evaporate like snow in the sun.
Need I say more?
Knowing that the sound quality of ARS-Produktion has, as far as I over many years have been able to establish, never disappointed (and they don’t do here either), I will keep it short. The more so, because four out of seven concerti are brand new to the hi-res catalogue and of the doubles some of the existing ones are not always at the same level. And, last but not least, because Daniel Knaack has done a great job with his detailed information in the liner notes.
This is exquisite music making of the highest and most enjoyable order. Why not indulge yourself for X-mas!" Quelle: HRAudio.net
Die CD ist beim Label ARS Produktion erschienen.
MR-Musikproduktion: Aufnahmeleitung, Editing, Mixing, Mastering